Home Essentials 101

Have you moved to your new apartment but don’t know what to buy for your new space? Well then, this blog post is for someone like you. First off, congratulations on moving in. In today’s post, we’ll be focusing on the essentials for the kitchen and bathroom. If that’s alright with you, let’s get rightContinue reading “Home Essentials 101”

Basic 101: Etiquette

For starters, we will start off by defining what etiquette means. According to dictionary.com, etiquette is defined as a “conventional requirement as to social behavior; proprieties of conduct as established in any class or community or for any occasion.” The purpose of etiquette isn’t to put on a show or to prove that anyone is betterContinue reading “Basic 101: Etiquette”

Great Apps

Have you been looking for great apps to add to your phone collection? If so, this post is just for you 🙂 *Holy Bible App To Do List/Organization Apps AnyList (Grocery Shopping) Evernote WunderList Trello Google Keep Todoist Any.do Swipes-To do & Task list Asana Planoly UNUM Design Creative Works (Poster, Banners, Design,Writing & etc.)Continue reading “Great Apps”

Book Of The Month

What have you been reading? Before the year started, my goal was to read at least one book every month. I started this challenge last year. I enjoy reading different novels but I love books that are educative. It isn’t easy to read a month every month when you have so much to do butContinue reading “Book Of The Month”